Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 296
The 19th of October was date for the Installation of Edmund Taylor Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 296, at Adelaide Street, Blackpool, when W. Bro. Brian Ogden installed his successor, Bro. Patrick Dwyer.
The festive board in triangular form
A good number of members were present, with the exception of the Lodge Director of Ceremonies, (struck down with Covid-19), his Assistant W. Bro. Atcheson stepped in at very short notice and did a great job.
The Commander and his installing Commander
W. Bro. Brain Installed  Bro.Patrick in an exemplary manner, the Representing Officer W. Bro. the Rev, Stephen Leach, gave the Exposition in his own innovative style, He then thanked all who had taken part on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master. 
Two candidates were proposed for Elevation, helping make up for the sad deaths of 3 members during the lock-down. 
W. Bro. Dwyer and W. Bro. Leach
From the Lodge room to the Festive Board, what splendid festive board it was too, with prawn cocktails, tender chicken breast in a Chasseur sauce, followed by Lemon meringue pie, an extra course of cheese and biscuits and port, curtsy of the new Commander, as had the table wine had been, 
Toast to the new Commander
The speeches were equally as good, we learnt that the new Commander had commenced his working life as a boy soldier at 15 in Ireland, moving to the British army at 17, after starting as a private, over his long army career, gradually went through the ranks and retired as a major. 
Floral tributes 
As always when you are enjoying yourselves the time fly's by, so it was now time to think of home, but not before the Commander presented a bouquet of flowers to the representative for his wife Wendy, followed up by one for Sue, the Special Rep's wife. 
Floral tributes 
The Lodge could not be in better hands for the next 12 months, a true gentleman, who will make sure he has a very successful year.      
Word courtesy of John Forster & Pictures by Tony Farrar